Time plays an important role during the ongoing global pandemic situation. The era of lockdowns has turned our dynamic social lifestyle into introverted slow-flowing micro-bubbles.
In these (micro-bubbles), our ability to meaningfully survive and the ability to re-reflect the world around us in our own studio is tested. Personally, I draw in a more intensified manner. I have always been interested in the relationship between drawing-writing and weaving.
In these individual forms of expression, not only the various contents and approaches, but also human manual labour and the time spent are autonomously captured. They require skill and imagination.
I perceive the gradual slowing down of established life that has occurred as a gradual slowing down of the heartbeat. At this slow pace, my breath, hand and thoughts also slowed down, and led me to redefine my own drawing.
The drawn line voluntarily loses its vim, expressiveness and artistic autonomy in a firm anchoring of the way in which it is created. It does not want to be individualistic or egocentric. It toys with lettering and the knot or hook of a woven thread.
The Terra-Poetic Pieces series is a systematic horizontal drawing in lines (from left to right), which is interrupted by the alternation of ink colours associatively defining classical visual forms. These codify the new visual quality of pseudo-ornamental drawings, which introspectively violates the boundaries of their reading.
text by Svätopluk Mikyta, 2021